Pre-university courses of MIPT

Why take the MIPT Preparatory Program?

Programs offered

Standard (Natural Science or Engineering and Technology specialization)

  • Tuition fees (on campus): 250,000 RUB
  • Duration: October 1st - June 30st (2 semesters) *
  • Load: 1088 contact hours (1 contact hour = 45 minutes)
  • Group Size: Up to 15 listeners
  • Pace: Full-time
  • Minimum Level of Education: A-level (or equivalent)
  • Language requirements: None
  • Program Modules:
    • 1st Semester: Russian language
    • 2nd Semester: Russian language + Mathematics, Physics, and either Informatics or Chemistry

Online (Natural Science or Engineering and Technology specialization)

  • Tuition fees: 200,000 RUB
  • Duration: October 1st - June 30st (2 semesters) *
  • Load: 1088 contact hours (1 contact hour = 45 minutes)
  • Group Size: Up to 15 listeners
  • Pace: Full-time
  • Minimum Level of Education: A-level (or equivalent)
  • Language requirements: None
  • Program Modules:
    • 1st Semester: Russian language
    • 2nd Semester: Russian language + Mathematics, Physics, and either Informatics or Chemistry

Standard+ IT Start

  • Summary: The program additionally teaches basic algorithms, programming languages, and database knowledge, as well as skills in developing and documenting programs and building computer-mathematical models. The IT Start course is designed to help students prepare for entrance exams in informatics at MIPT or other top Russian technical universities.
  • Tuition fees (on campus): 300,000 RUB
  • Duration: October 1st - June 30th (2 semesters) *
  • Load: 1122 contact hours (1 contact hour = 45 minutes)
  • Group Size: Up to 15 listeners
  • Pace: Full-time
  • Minimum level of education: A-level (or equivalent)
  • Language requirements: None
  • Program Modules:
    • 1st Semester: Russian language
    • 2nd Semester: Russian language, Mathematics, Physics and an Intensive Computer Science

Student Reviews

We have students from various countries such as France, Serbia, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Myanmar, Syria, India, China and more who are currently studying with us.

  • Aziz, Tunisia

    Aziz, Tunisia

    I had an amazing experience with MIPT's preparatory course,
    which provided me with essential language skills and a strong academic foundation.
    The university's commitment to excellence in education ensures students receive the best opportunities globally. The course introduced me to Russian language, culture, and life in Moscow through organized events. Living on campus allowed me to meet people from different countries and cultures.
    The course was a wise investment in my future, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking higher education in Russia.

  • Khi, Vietnam

    Khi, Vietnam

    As an international student from Vietnam, I was apprehensive about studying in a foreign country and learning a new language. However, MIPT's faculty and staff provided me with unwavering support and helped me overcome my fears.

    MIPT also offers various opportunities for academic and personal development, expanding students' horizons, fostering creativity, and improving communication skills. My personal experience has been positive and satisfactory.

Do you have any questions? We are always ready to assist you!

Inna Nizhnik Head of ISO
Ekaterina Mitushina ISO manager
Larisa Flores ISO manager

Entry qualifications

You will not have any exams to enter this course. We prefer portfolio selection to ensure we provide our applicants with the possibility to prove their potential.


MIPT provides every scholarship listener with a hostel accommodation in modern houses on the territory of the Campus.

Self-paid listeners may get accommodation, subject to availability.

The accommodation fees for each listener are about 2,200 RUB per month (as of August, 2023).

Health Insurance

MIPT offers assistance to preparatory course listeners in providing a health insurance policy. Obligatory medical insurance services cost 8,000 RUB per year.

International Students may also seek medical advice to the Polyclinic (State medical center), which is located on the MIPT Campus.

Fingerprinting and Medical Testing

Federal Law No. 274-FZ of 01.07.2021 On the Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" from 29 December 2021 introduces mandatory fingerprint registration and photography together with a medical examination (for infectious diseases, HIV and drug addiction) for foreign citizens who have arrived in Russia for purposes other than work for a period exceeding 90 calendar days.

The mandatory medical examination costs around 6,000 - 20,000 RUB*.

* as of May 9, 2022.


The scholarship covers all tuition fees for full-degree bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral (PhD) programs, as well as preparatory courses at MIPT. Please note that you cannot apply for a preparatory course without applying for a degree. You can apply for a scholarship every winter (once per each level of education).



Office 305, 3d floor, Auditorium bldg., 7b Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, Russian Federation

Tel.: +7 (498) 713-91-80
