Programs | Cyber Security

Head of program

Program focus

Can you train to defense your computer more security? Do you understand how cyber security works?

The program focused on the theory and application of modern cyber security methods for solving human and corporation level problems considering cloud technologies. Strong and wide theoretical background provides you various tracks for researching: cyber defense, survey cyber attacks and deep cyber forensic.

Alexey Nazarov, program representative, about Master's program 'Cyber Security'

Aspects studied

Cyber Security: Theory and Practice
Vulnerabilities and Attacks
Cyber Forensic and Cloud technologies


Basics of Network Technologies - OSI Model, IP (QoS, addressing) Protocols, Network Topologies, Data Communications Technology, Link switching and packet switching, Routing, Virtual Networks, Wireless Networks, Network Equipment Performance Measurement, etc.

Vulnerabilities and Attacks – Backdoor, Denial of service attacks, Direct access attacks, Eavesdropping, Multiplexer, Polymorphic attacks, Fishing, Privilege escalation, Spoofing, Tampering, etc.

Cyber Defense – Security Architecture Security measures (account access control and cryptography, firewalls, intrusion detection system), Vulnerability management, Reducing vulnerabilities, Equipment protection mechanisms (USB dongle, Trusted platform (TPM) modules, computer case intrusion detection, mobile access devices), Secure operating systems, Access control features and lists, etc.

Basics of Information Security in Financial Organizations – Review of international standards for information security. Protected information. Information assets of financial institutions. Access management and registration in financial organizations. Role and mandate access. Processing and protection of personal data in financial organizations, Model of threats and model of the violator. Management of information security risks in financial organizations. Methods of risk calculation. Requirements for providing IS (antivirus, life cycle, cryptography, etc.).

Information Security in the Cloud - Architectural concepts and design requirements, Cloud data security, Security of the cloud platform and infrastructure, Cloud application security, Implementing and building physical infrastructure for the cloud environment, Launching physical infrastructure for the cloud environment, Physical infrastructure management for the cloud, Building logical infrastructure for the cloud environment, Launching logical infrastructure for the cloud, Logical infrastructure management for the cloud, etc.

Full program curriculum

Program highlights

The only program with full aspects of Cyber Security, from theory to world network security and cyber forensic.


Centre of Information Technology and Systems

Chair of Intelligent Information Systems and Technology


International Centre for Informatics and Electronics

Chair of Intelligent Information Systems and Technology

Program outcomes

Full stack of neural Cyber defense in modern infrastructure. Approaches of various tasks security solution with network infrastructures based on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security including:

  • Introduction to training systems
  • Machine learning theory
  • Evolutionary Computing
  • Anomaly detection
  • Deep learning (practice, programming)
  • Machine training for classification tasks
  • Machine learning for clustering tasks
  • Machine training for time series forecasting tasks
  • Detection of intrusions using neural networks

Career opportunities

  • Continue education as PhD-student (~50%)
  • Return to home and continue in Science and Education (~20%)
  • Commercial RnD (~10%)
  • Stay at Russia and continue in RnD (~5%)

Specific entry requirements

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