Origin of high-energy radiation in the Universe (Cosmic Rays, Gamma Rays and Neutrinos)
The Universe as a laboratory of particle theory (Axions, Axion-like Particles, Neutrinos, Dark Matter etc.)
Particle theory beyond the Standard Model
Supervisor’s specific requirements
Particle Physics (at the Master level)
Astrophysics (at the beginner’s level)
Statistics (to work with data)
Research highlights
Research at the intersection of particle physics and astrophysics.
Work with real observational and experimental data but in connection with particle-theory problems.
Recent publications
Observational evidence for the origin of high-energy neutrinos in parsec-scale nuclei of radio-bright active galaxies, Astrophys. J. 894 (2020) 101
On the impact of magnetic-field models in galaxy clusters on constraints on axion-like particles from the lack of irregularities in high-energy spectra of astrophysical sources, Phys.Lett.B 802 (2020) 135252
Carpet-2 search for PeV gamma rays associated with IceCube high-energy neutrino events, JETP Lett. 109 (2019) 226
Constraining the photon coupling of ultra-light dark-matter axion-like particles by polarization variations of parsec-scale jets in active galaxies, JCAP 02 (2019) 059
Search for anomalous features in gamma-ray blazar spectra corrected for the absorption on the extragalactic background light, JCAP 12 (2019) 002