Doctor habilitation
Doctor of science in physics and mathematics
Head of the laboratory of fundamental interactions MIPT
Experimental studies of photon and hadron production in high-energy collision of protons and heavy ions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN; strong interactions, and:
The research will be performed within the international collaboration ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider Experiment in the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. The ALICE experiment has started operating in 2009 and will continue collecting data for analysis at least till 2030. The physics program of ALICE is focused on fundamental properties of hot and dense quark-gluon matter at extremely high temperature created in ultra-relativistic collisions of proton and ion beams at the energies 5-14 TeV in the center-mass system. The measurements of direct photon and hadron spectra is a sensitive probe for the initial state of collisions, for transport properties of a parton passing through the quark-gluon matter, and for fragmentation of partons to observable hadrons.
A PhD student will be involved in processing of data from the ALICE precise electromagnetic calorimeter which requires data quality validation, calorimeter calibration, development of analysis software, analyzing of petabytes of recorded data using the world-wide distributed computing system GRID. Among duties of a student, detector maintenance and operation, participating in the experiments shifts during data taking will be considered as a part of service work.