Education programs | MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Research supervisor

Supervisor’s research interests

Theory of modern special functions emerging in exact computations of partition functions in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dimensional supersymmetric field theories, corresponding superconformal indices and Seiberg dualities. Exactly solvable 2d lattice models of Ising type, 2d conformal field theories, star-triangle relation and Yang-Baxter equation. Theory of elliptic hypergeometric functions and elliptic integrable systems.

Supervisor’s specific requirements

Knowledge of Quantum Mechanics, basic Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics
Knowledge of Supersymmetry and Gauge Field Theory (with the Corresponding Group-theoretical Background)
Ability to use Latex, Mapple or Mathematica
Sufficient Knowledge of Real and Complex Analysis

Research highlights

The research requires mathematically minded approach in the Dirac style: physics suggests the mathematical objects for investigation, and exact formulas derived via mathematical logic help to understand the physics behind.

Successful students may get additional financial support from research grants.

Main publications

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