Programs | Beam-Plasma Systems & Technologies
Master's program
English taught
120 ECTS
4 full-time semesters

Program Overview

This interdisciplinary program is targeted at those who plan to deal with fundamental and applied researches in plasma physics and plasma chemistry associated with advanced technologies. Beam-plasmas are known to be very effective as the basis of new industrial and environmental technologies, as well as for on-board spacecraft board systems including prolonged space missions support systems. “Plasma medicine” and “Plasma agriculture” are rapidly developing fields of beam- and hybrid-plasma applications. Students of the Program will not only acquire the knowledge in plasma sciences but gain practical skills in beam-plasma system development, operation and maintenance

Program curriculum

Javier Ramirez, program alumni, about Master's program 'Beam-plasma systems & technologies'

Core Subjects

Plasma Physics
High Energy Chemistry
Analysis & Simulation
Electron Kinetics
Electron Accelerators

Career Tracks

The Program graduates will definitely accumulate practical experience in scientific researches (both theoretical and experimental), equipment development and operation, technological processes development and optimization, project management in the field of plasma technologies and in associated areas

Spheres for future employment:

Program in Faces

  • Meet Prof. Vasiliev

    Meet Prof. Vasiliev

    Program Coordinator,


  • Meet T. Vasileva

    Meet T. Vasileva


  • Meet N. Alexandrov

    Meet N. Alexandrov


TOP 5 Skills to Master

System Analysis
Beam-Plasma Technologies
Special Software
Manufacturing Technologies

Research & Development

Science in Phystech

Professors from Phystech School of Aerospace Technology search for answers to the global challenges of recent time – power for Space and Earth, aviation and space missions, environment protection and bio-mass processing, new technologies and advanced materials for industrial production, non-conventional technologies for medicine and agriculture. Research and development in these fields will be drivers for science and technology for next decades

Basic tracks

  • Plasma-matter interaction
  • Advanced industrial and aerospace technologies based on thermal and cold plasmas
  • Electron-beam systems: electron guns, high-voltage power sources, injection windows, supporting sub-systems
  • Plasma chemical reactors


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