Education programs | MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

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Head of the program

  • Vsevolod J. Makeev

    Vsevolod J. Makeev

    Head of the Division of Computational and System Biology
    Vavilov Institute of General Genetics
    Russian Academy of Sciences

Program focus

This research and training program aims to provide students with necessary skills and knowledge in using the large-scale biological data obtained in the course of biological experiments, including various “omics” as well as epidemiological and pharmacological studies. Methods based on statistics and machine learning are also utilized in applied bioinformatics. Students obtain in-depth knowledge in the field of modern molecular biology, genetics and related biological disciplines.

Alexander Melerzanov, MD, PhD, Dean, about Master's program 'Bioinformatics' 

Aspects studied

Genomic Medicine
Machine learning
Algorithms of bioinformatics
Transcriptome, epigenomics
OMIСS data


Full program curriculum

Program highlights

Industrial Bionformatics is a promising program for the further employment in science as well as in many commercial enterprises. Students with basic knowledge in maths and computer science to perform calculations in bio are welcomed to the program. This program created by experts, who have proved themselves both in industry and academia. During their studies, students are sent to work and practice in the leading Russian and international research centers and institutes, some of which have participated in the creation of the program, such as: Georgia Tech, BostonGene, Martin Luther universität Halle-Wittenberg, Sechenov University, Phillips etc. Our students are involved in research work with our key partner BostonGene. For those students who fail to fully mastered any of the subjects, individual trajectory of study can be implemented, including the Coursera and Stepik platforms.


Real examples from research projects
Practical experience in solving real biological problems
Interactive, on-line and individual educational process

Program outcomes

Graduates of this program should gain the:

  • Practical skills and knowledge in applying bioinformatics and statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting biological data
  • Knowledge of how to reformulate real biological and genetics problems in technical language and understand the appropriate approaches to them
  • Proficient knowledge and practical skills in the application of methods of Machine Learning
  • Basic experimental skills in independent research in the field of microbial diversity and microbiome
  • Basic knowledge and experimental skills of the features of data obtained through high-throughput sequencing platforms

Career opportunities

  • Machine Learning/Research Engineer
  • Research Scientist
  • Junior/Senior bioinformatics specialist

Specific entry requirements

You can learn more about the program and take a test on the site

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